Re-Opening Church Services
Sunday May 10th at 8:00 and 10:00 we will resume our regular Services, Holy Communion with Sermon. This Is Tentative!
In the interest of Extreme Caution and following CDC Guidelines and because we are an "Older" church in age of parishioners with members having "Underlying" conditions, please observe the following,
Read Carefully!
1. Please check you temperature before coming and if you have any temperature over 98.6 please stay home.
2. We have masks available as you come in. Please wear one for your protection and others. If you prefer of course you may bring your own from home. Please put on when entering the church and wear until you leave.
3. Please observe "Social Distancing” of 8 feet or more entering and leaving the church
4. Leave a pew space between you and others and sit no more than 2 to a pew. Families excluded.
5. Please do not shake hands or come in contact with others
6. Please Above all DO NOT cough or sneeze on anyone, but INTO your arm or tissue. This is Most important. The Corvid-19 Virus is spread by contact AND droplets in the air
7. We will not be having classes or the coffee hour for now.
8. While Communion in One Kind is Valid and acceptable. The Celebrant will Consecrate both the wine and wafers. THEN the priest will 'dip' the consecrated wafer in the consecrated wine and distribute the consecrated elements in both kinds to the parishioners. He will be wearing gloves and will place it in your hand for you to consume. AND Please Remain in your pew and the priest will come to you and distribute the Sacrament in your place.
9. The offering plate will not be passed around, Instead it will be on the back pews for when you leave to drop in your contribution.
We are sorry but this will be the method for some time, It is for your protection and your fellow parishioners as well. Please observe.
Thank you,
In His Name
Bishop Michael and Father Steve, Rector